Email Marketing

Why Use Email Marketing

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The Power of Email Marketing in Driving Online Business Success

With this article we are going to understand the pivotal role of email marketing in the digital age, emails allow you as the content creator to communicate directly with your audience. There have been many case studies showcasing successful email marketing campaigns with a rise of 77% of marketers see an increase of email engagement over 12 months.

Unlike social media marketing where you rely on clicks and customer engagement there is a risk the user will not come back to purchase a product or service you are promoting. Whereas email marketing you have their contact information stored for further use. For example, you are promoting a product or service and the consumer is required to enter their email address to access a discount or the full article, whether they open the email straight away or leave it in their inbox you still have a way of contacting them with a new offer you’re promoting in the future.

Compared to social media marketing, you will need a click and the assurance the customer likes what you’re selling/ promoting straight away, an online user ranges from 4-7 visits to a site before they buy an item as they like to see consistency with engaging content.

The benefits of personalised and targeted communication improve the experience of the use and the customers are more comfortable providing personal information to their favourite brands if they get something in return (discount, exclusive offers, early bird access).

Building Your Email Marketing Foundation: Growing a Contact List

There are several strategies for growing an organic and engaged email list, an eBook where you’re able to tell your customer the what, why and how you got started within the online world this comes across as more personal as you can make a short story about yourself.

A PDF report, a PDF workbook or journal with prompts, a series of videos that can be sent out over a few days that inspires and motivates the user, discount on a product or service, an offer to be part of an exclusive group on Facebook or Instagram. All of these are examples which enable you to get their email address and in future send them further updates or offers.

By leveraging content marketing to attract sign-ups will make your business model stand out;

  • Build Brand Awareness
  • Generate Qualified Leads
  • Educate Your Audience
  • Position Your Brand as an Authority
  • Retain Loyal Customers
  • Communication Tools
  • Analyse Your Industry and Market
  • Learn About Your Audience

When it comes to optimizing website design for email list conversion you will want to make it easily accessible and a clear structure for the user to navigate, if it is unclear and not one of the first things they see, more often then not they’ll bypass it and you will not get their email address to contact them once they have left the website.

The importance of maintaining email list hygiene for better engagement, this meaning checking your list monthly to see if you have an inactive subscribers and removing them from the list. Keep your email sending habits healthy by consistency (don’t send too many nor too little) this can result in the subscriber to unsubscribe.

Keeping the Connection Alive: Updating Service Users via Email

We’ve all been apart of an email chain that can become very boring, very fast. So designing effective email updates that service users appreciate, repeating the same information or not giving the reader much engagement can result in them not opening your emails in future and not being able to access the deals you may or may not have added in that email.

If you were to start an email by putting “BUY NOW” chances are they will close that email straight away as they don’t know what it is or why it relates to them, balancing informational content with promotional offers. Write your content and slowly drip in the latest offers, a service or product you have recently come across and why they would benefit from it, let them know why you chose it in the first place, customers feel comfort knowing it has been tested by a reliable source first and can offer feedback.

When you have done your research within your niche, you want to know when is best to send emails and how many. Finding this information out is a matter of trial and error, for example if you were to start sending emails everyday and you learn you’re losing subscribers then its time to put a day or two in between each email. As simple as that, tweak to your subscribers needs.

Your contact list is growing and you’re navigating your way more easily through your chosen auto-responder platform, analysing your email campaigns along with their performance you will see which content is doing better then others. Making continuous improvements to your emails will keep you on top of your campaigns and you wont be inundated with tasks to improve, delete or add emails to your list.

To Finish

I have probably flooded your brain with information that may or may not have sunk in completely, this is OK! In order to make a success online business you will need to re-read and save articles to help you on your journey. Success does not happen overnight and takes consistent effort and hard work, while the look and presentation of your website is important
(and the fun bit!) the behind the scenes, like email marketing will help in consistent income for your business.

I found easy to use, they have videos to help you get started and clips which give you a step by step on how to set up your sales funnels, email campaigns and automations.

>> sign up for FREE now with

If you have any questions or need something explaining further, drop a comment below!

4 Comments on “Why Use Email Marketing

  1. Hey there! Loved your breakdown on the power of email marketing—super insightful! 📧✨ You highlighted the benefits of direct communication and the advantage of retaining user contact info. I’m curious, though—have you noticed any specific content types that resonate better in email campaigns? Also, how do you balance informational content with promotional offers to keep users engaged? Excited to hear your thoughts on this! 

    1. Hi,

      Thank you for the review, personally I have found and seen from other users visual content like Youtube, Instagram reels, informing a new viewer of a product or service you’re promoting and that can drive traffic to your link which can be in your bio or description sending them to your sales funnel. Your following wants to know you first, then the product or service.

      Balancing is key, its a matter of putting yourself in their shoes, being bombarded by “click now to buy” rather then a comforting intro can ensure the subscriber to keep reading. You want to maintain a relationship with your subscribers as they’re more likely to invest money and time with the email campaigns you send, rather then the 5+ products or services you send them in one email. Pace yourself, you want them to be in your ‘active’ contact list for a long time.

      Hope this helps

      Shannon 🙂

  2. Hey Shannon,

    Just came across your website and in particular your article about the use of email marketing. Very interesting and useful information.

    Is it agreeable to run two campaigns i.e; email marketing and social media hand-in-hand? Social media is a platform where you can get immediate feedback, albeit not returning customers, whereas email marketing, from what I understand takes longer to develop your customer base, your email list, is that correct as I’m reading it?

    Which would you say is the best way to start an email marketing campaign? if you’re starting from scratch?

    I’ll take a look at, sounds interesting.

    All the best

    Cherie :o)

    1. Hey,

      Thanks for the review, it can seem like a tedious task within an online business to run both alongside each other but in essence you’re keeping your following involved in what’s going on. Social media is there for the visuals and daily content and an email campaign can offer you the access to what is being promoted.

      Example: I post an Instagram reel promoting ‘Affiliate Marketing Course’ with a number of bullet points on the description on how, why and what I did to get started, someone wants to know more. They click the link or direct message me on that platform, from there I send them my free beginners guide but before they open it, it requires an email address, once obtaining this they get my first campaign offering a discount or tips and tricks into the product or service I am promoting. Whether they do something with email or not I then have it on my contact list, they then go back onto Instagram and scroll to see more of my content on their feed. I grabbed their attention once and they notice me, they can then go on their emails again and sign up.

      Hope this helps.

      Thanks again

      Shannon 🙂

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